Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas Everyone! I wanted to get this out before Christmas, but I have not had electricity at the Health Center so I was not able to charge my computer frequently. Plus the Internet access has been on and off!

Anyway, I want to wish everyone a blessed Christmas season and a Year filled with Peace, Prosperity, and Gratitude in your hearts for how fortunate we are for Life itself!

December was a busy month for me, I went to Gulu and got my bike. The trip took me all day to get there on Saturday, Linda met me in Lira and then we proceeded to Gulu. We stay the night and the next morning I got my bike then we left back to Lira. Since it took us most of the day to get there, I missed the taxi back to Iceme. So I got a ride to Aboke corner and rode my new bike filled with groceries, packages and flooring to Iceme. That might not sound so bad...but it is 34 kms on all dirt roads up and down hills. It only took me 2 1/2 hours non stop to ride back home! But, boy I now have my bike! I will post a picture on facebook. Now, I can really go into the villages!

The bike has really come in handy, I have rode it to the subcounty 30 mins. from Iceme for a workshop. There they told us that they wanted the Village Health Teams (VHT) to meet with every family in the villages and teach them family planning. That was fine and it was great to be able to go out into the villages and teach...however, no methods of contraceptives were available to give them after teaching. Some of the families really wanted moonbeads...however, not even the district has them. But, there are alot of families that did only want 3 or 4 children, but did not know how to stop from getting pregnant. You see in Uganda they are taught to nurse their babies for 2 years after they are born and that nursing them they will not get pregnant. So that is what they did and after 1 1/2 years they were coming up pregnant again! So they did not understand why that was happening. Hence, anywhere from 7 to 11 children.

Also, I rode my bike to Anyeke (Oyam District) for a meeting. I believe that is about 15 km and it took me 2 hours non stop. So again, good thing I had my bike!
I am working on a couple of different projects and will let you know when they pan out. Sister wants me to set up a Healing Touch Class for the Health Care workers, so I will start looking into that when I get back.

The Ebola outbreak was actually Yellow Fever, according to the CDC. So the PCV that had been evacuated from Kitgum and Padre were able to go back home. There was a bombing of a bus from Nairobi that was headed for Kampala. Also, the US Ambassador had some threats, so the Country Director sent out a policy banding all PCV's from going to Kampala and/or anywhere near the taxi park unless they were granted special permission. So for Christmas, Shelley, Linda and I were going to meet in Kampala and spend Christmas at the Sheraton. So that was out! Also, I was going to go to my Homestay family and see them, however that was out as well.

We went to Jan's house and spent Christmas and now we are in Jinja. Wow! That was a blessing because we have had a great time. At Jan's house, we had a warm shower, washer and dryer, cheese, lettuce and other American it was great! Also, I got to talk with most of my family, what a bonus!
We are now in Jinja at 2 Friends. It only has 11 rooms, and the place is so beautiful. It reminds me of the Caribbean. We have gone shopping, swam in the pool, had massages, good food and a warm shower. I even had a smoothie, something that you can not find many places in Uganda. (I will post pictures on facebook). I think that I am going to get spoiled and it is going to be hard to go back to reality. But isn't that how all vacations are? Anyway, I had a great Christmas, so I hope that you and your family did as well!

In January, I will be going to Seeta for In-Service training with the rest of our group. Word is out that they will be doing an evacuation drill with one of the regional groups the first of January, so everyone needs to be prepared. I will let you know what happens.

Take care and stay safe!
Love & LIght,

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